Life Sucks Then You Die
Published on September 20, 2004 By Morgle In Current Events
Mornin Y'all,
Morgle B. Snurd here,(The "B" stands for Bartholomew)
CONGRATULATIONS to the people added to the "List"!!!!
You will now get to experience the TSA/Government more Intensive searches when trying to fly around the USA.
Fergit the logic arguments,THIS is an election year... DAMN the Voters,if they don't want to be "Safe"
WHAT do those voters/citizens have to hide/fear.....?? After all,IF they are INNOCENT they won't mind the Anal Probes......
The TSA,FBI,and POLITICIANS make me sick,EVERYTHING is either for "The CHILDREN",or for the "Travelling Public's" safety.
Hey D.C.!!!! Here is a novel idea. How about Screening individuals from the Countries that have been involved in Hijackings before??
Some Trial Lawyer should get a Class Action lawsuit going against the police departments in the U.S. that only look for,Question MALES when there is a RAPIST loose in an area.
Maybe get the Supreme Court to rule on the legality of Male Profiling,when it comes to the investigation, and pursuit of rapist.
Don't get mad at me.
The above example makes as much sense as searching EVERYONE in the Airport BUT people from Saudi Arabia & the Middle East.
In all my 50 years I have NEVER Hijacked a plane,Robbed a bank,been to jail,or Prison. BUT because of the way I look(Full Beard,300+ lbs,and the perpetual scowl on my face) I am "Randomly Selected" every stinking time for additional scrutiny. And anyone unlucky enuff to be travelling with me also gets "Asked" to allow additional searches.
Then again White Males do not have a PAC,or ACLU lawyers lining up to take our case for "Free" when targeted for discrimination by government agencies.
It's late and cold out there,so
TTY'all later
Life Sucks Then You Die
Morgle B. Snurd
(the "B" stands for Bartholomew

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