It's okay to Phuck with me,,,,,,,,,,"I" am White
Mornin Y'all,
Morgle B. Snurd (The "B" stands for Bartholomew)here.
Anyone want to bet how long it is before the ACLU gets involved in the TSA Random Searching of Non U.S. citizens at airports??
WE all know it is acceptible to search those of us who never have,and never will hijack a plane.
BUT,for the Department of "Homeland Security" To actually use established procedure and go after and search people from countries/nationalities that HAVE hijacked planes and killed American Citizens??? God/Allah/Satan/ forbid !!!!!!! THAT is DISCRIMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Makes me wonder what the ACLU is going to do when Caucasians are in the MINORITY in the next 2-3 decades. Y'all reckon that the ACLU will have a change of heart and decide that White/Caucasians are worth legal representation Pro Bono??
My better half and I contacted them when it seemed strange that I was being re-searched at every plane change after 9/11....
They of course chose NOT to represent us...........Reckon it was because I wuz a Middle Aged WHITE Guy???
Nawwww,THAT can't be the reason..............Isn't there something in the U.S. Constitution about Race,Creed,&National Origin,being things that cannot be used to discriminate against a person??
Then again,I have always been ahead of my time when it comes to Law stuff.
I wuz Suspended from school in the 8th grade for refusing to shave,I had a Full mustache,and goatee from the time I wuz 14.
I decided against cutting a Red Neck Jock with a Straight Razor whenI was a Freshman in High School......The fool actually believed that I had a "Yawara Stick" in my pocket,instead of the Straight razor.
And many many other things that are forever sealed in Juvenile records,or have been shredded by court order.
And after September 11th,I am one of the many americans on a Secret List maintained by Illegal Aliens employed by the Department of Homeland Security.
I kid you not people,After September 11th,the U.S. government,and contractors in major cities were still employing ILLEGAL Aliens as Screeners and Baggage Handlers who were taking your fingernail clippers and knitting needles.
Nuff Said,
Gotta Go,
Morgle B. Snurd
The "B" stands for Bartholomew