Take the Primrose path to the Eternal Bonfire
Mornin Y'all,
Morgle B. Snurd(the "B" stands for Bartholomew)here.
It has been awhile,and I am sorry about that.
Ohh well back to my rant...still waiting for the VA to decide what in Hades they will do for me.
I was scheduled for a procedure "Locally"When that turned into a FusterCluck,because the
lovely employee at Providence Hospital Xray check in desk did not bother to call Nuclear Medicine
Department to see If I was scheduled there.So,we left,and drove back home. A couple or three hours later
Nuclear Medicine called me and informed me that they had kept the room open,and was standing by to do the test,
for over 3 hours.
When I drove to the Local VA,to inform them of the Fustercluck,I was informed that it was all the fault of a "temporary" stand in employee at authorizations.
Seems he fergit to call back to the hospital doing the test,and verify.
Now,I cannot be seen "Locally",and must be flown 2500 miles or more to the Seattle VA.
There I will be seen by any level of student Nurse,LabTech,Xray Tech,Ohh and BESTEST of all I will be seen
by Doctors in training .....AKA as Residents................UNLESS I ask each and every person who comes to do something to me about their status,The hospital/VA will not inform them of my wishes that NO Students work on me while in the confines of the Seattle VA.
According to a VA employee "Voice on the Phone".It is up to me to screen out the people I do NOT want working on me.
Ohh,and the Local,and Seattle VA employees do not know the meaning of the word "Student".
They keep telling me that a resident IS a doctor,and I will be under the care of that "Doctor" while in the Seattle VA.
Don't get me wrong,I admire the people who desire to become doctors. I just feel that I have trained enuff Nursing student,Lab Techs,X Ray Techs,et.al. to fill a cruise ship.
In this stage of my "Life" I do not wish to be a living cadaver for any level of student who cannot go out and work or open their own practice without a supervising physician signing off on everything they do to me.
Been thinking of the poor Souls coming back from Iraq,and Afghanistan,and the persian gulf. And the SHOCK that they will get when it takes them over a year to even get an appointment to be screened by the local VA Quacks. God help them.
My better half has said that she will put me on her insurance the next time she works for a hospital or agency.
Maybe I will live long enuff to get my shunt replaced,My back and neck operated on for the many many problems associated in those areas.
Until then,I have Urinary,and Bowel Incontinence to look forward too..............IF something is not done to correct my problems.
Then again,it might be easier to take the dawg on one last hunt. Two go out and One comes back(The Dawg)with the GPS coordinates where to find this piece of excrement body.That way the insurance company could not stiff the better half on the policy I have had in force over 15 years.(Over the Contestability Period)
Of course the better half tells me it ain't time yet to even consider that...................................YET
I guess we will see....
Only reason I wake up these days is to see what the local VA has in store to Kcuhp with me this day.
Gotta Go,Y'all be good.
LSTYD(Life Sucks Then You Die)
Morgle B.Snurd(The "B" stands for Bartholomew)
Believe it or not I wuz once a "Nice" person.......Altho' those days are long gone