Mornin Y'all, Morgle B. Snurd (the "B" stands for Bartholomew)here. As of 10:51 pm AKDT I am still waiting for a response to my Inquiry dated 10 April 2005. The puter generated response said I would get a response within 5 business days. Hmmmm,TODAY is MAY 5th,2005. That seems to be a lot longer than 5 business days....OR am I counting wrong?? I guess it is just "Business as Usual" at the Veterans Administration. In other words OUR Tax dollars at work!!
Mornin y'all, Morgle B. Snurd(the "B" stands for Bartholomew)here. Want to know where your Hard Earned Tax dollars are going?? Well,hate to tell you,BUT..... they are going to keep a female employed as a Patient Representative at the Anchorage Alaska Veterans Admin clinic on Debarr Rd. That female must have something on EVERYONE who could possibly register a complaint against her,or have her fired for NOT showing up,shirking her duty, falsifying payroll reports...etc etc...
Mornin Y'all, Morgle B.* Snurd (The "B" Stands for Bartholomew)here. I wuz just wondering WHERE the next Dr.Kevorkian is and how I can find him. I also was wondering IF he offers a sliding scale fee for those of us worth more DEAD than alive. I am also curious as to much he would charge to provide me with a "Retro Active" Abortion. Got to get out of this existence so that the family can finally prosper, and be rid of the MBS Albatross around their neck once and for all. Of...