Mornin all, Morgle B. Snurd(The "B" stands for Bartholomew) here. Did you ever have one of those days when everything went right,and there was no one around to see it?? BUT,on the days when EVERYTHING Goes wrong,the WORLD Shows up?? I am running out of recipes for "Tourist" and "Enviromentalist" so,If anyone reading this has any extra ones passed down from family or friends. Please forward them to me at my alternate email address: They will be greatly apprecia...
Mornin y'all Morgle B. Snurd here. Y'all ever have One of those days...... Of course you have,why else would you be reading my drivel during working hours. Did you know that the Anchorage School District(ASD) does NOT have to notify the police,I.N.S.,or Borser Patrol that they have ILLEGAL Alien Children enrolled in the ASD??The current ASD school czar told me in an email,that they will teach anyone who is enrolled in the ASD schools.And that it was not the teachers,principals,or a...
Mornin y'all, Morgle B. Snurd here. NOW they have gone and done it. THEY,the people who are Screening,RE-Screening,And SCREENING,and RE RESCREENING me/us At the airport EVERY time at EVERY Plane change,EVERYTIME we fly...AND I STILLMean EVERYTIME we fly to the 48. THEY,THOSE People.That Agency,etc.,etc.,etc.,have interfered with my Better Half's travel plans,and are getting in the way of her seeing her grandchildren in New Mexico. SHE authorized ME to contact a lawyer,and pay the buc...
Mornin Y'all, Morgle B. Snurd here,(The "B" stands for Bartholomew) CONGRATULATIONS to the people added to the "List"!!!! You will now get to experience the TSA/Government more Intensive searches when trying to fly around the USA. Fergit the logic arguments,THIS is an election year...DAMN the Voters,if they don't want to be "Safe" WHAT do those voters/citizens have to hide/fear.....?? After all,IF they are INNOCENT they won't mind the Anal Probes...... The TSA,FBI,and POLITICIANS make ...
Mornin Y'all, Morgle B. Snurd (The "B" stands for Bartholomew)here. Anyone want to bet how long it is before the ACLU gets involved in the TSA Random Searching of Non U.S. citizens at airports?? WE all know it is acceptible to search those of us who never have,and never will hijack a plane. BUT,for the Department of "Homeland Security" To actually use established procedure and go after and search people from countries/nationalities that HAVE hijacked planes and killed American Citizens??...
Mornin Y'all, Morgle B.Snurd(The "B" stands for Bartholomew) here. Just thought I'd wake up some fellow Back Slid United Pentecostal Church members. Have y'all been following the "NEW" RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Tags)?? They were first pushed to Vets and ranchers,to make inventory,and follow up of the animals lineage and feed intake to slaughter and consumers table. Then,They were sold to retailers as a means to control inventory. Then some nut had his family members "Chip...